Have you ever heard of them? I was very fortunate to have a Ronald McDonald House to stay at during the time my daughter was in the hospital. I was a young Airman serving in the U.S. Air Force and could barely afford gas to get me to the hospital which she was rushed off to. The apartment style home was nearby the hospital and I was not asked to pay anything. It was a miracle.
The Ronald McDonald House can be found in more than 63 countries around the world. Each home is locally owned and operated and offers families a place that feels like home. The families of children, from birth through 21 years of age (or 18, depending on the House), who are being treated at nearby hospitals and medical facilities, are eligible.
Families either stay at no cost or are asked to make a donation up to $25 per day, depending on the house. However, payment is NEVER expected for those who cannot afford it. The difference is made up through donations.
Keeping families close to each other and the care they need.